Stepping into the role of a franchisee is likely uncharted territory for you. And with the great financial, emotional, and time commitment that you have invested thus far, you probably want to ensure that you are doing everything right. This is when the support of a franchisee association may be helpful. Continue reading to learn some of the benefits of this association and how one of the experienced franchisee associations attorneys at FortmanSpann, LLC can help initiate you.

What are the benefits of joining a franchisee association?

First of all, a franchisee association is a group of franchisees within a franchise system who join together independently of the franchisor. While this may seem like another obligation added to the many that you already carry, there are significant benefits to joining one. Without further ado, the benefits of joining a franchisee association are as follows:

  • Fellow franchisees may recommend vendors for your franchise (i.e., telephone service, credit card processing, printing, website development, etc.) that may offer you better pricing.
  • Fellow franchisees may use their experience and wisdom to advise you on the best practices to perform that may increase your franchise’s profitability.
  • Fellow franchisees may teach you about new laws and how to adjust your practices to abide by them.
  • Fellow franchisees may join you in approaching your franchisor to have a collective voice when addressing common concerns.
  • Fellow franchisees may volunteer to offer you training, education, and mentorship that goes beyond what your franchisor provides.
  • Overall, fellow franchisees may work to fill the gaps in the relationship that you have with your franchisor.

Which association should I join?

Namely, there are five national franchisee associations to choose from, and they read as follows:

  • The American Association of Franchisees and Dealers (AAFD).
  • The American Franchise Association (AFA).
  • The Coalition of Franchise Associates (CFA).
  • The International Association of Franchisees and Dealers (IAFD).
  • The International Franchise Association (IFA).

These five franchisee associations share a common goal, so you may be unsure how to select which one best suits you. But in the end, you should pick one that equally represents all members of the franchise system. Simultaneously, you should forgo an association that only addresses a solitary concern, or that seems to be bordering a hostile relationship with a franchisor.

It is worth mentioning that FortmanSpann, LLC is part of the AAFD Legal Line. Our firm is also a sponsor of the AAFD’s annual meeting. This is not to mention our countless amounts of experience with providing franchisees and franchisee associations with legal counsel. You should consider all of this when making your decision.

You cannot ignore joining this association for much longer. Instead, you must retain the services of one of the skilled franchisee association attorneys at FortmanSpann, LLC.