When your open your franchised business, your main interest is likely to provide your customers with quality service that will score you a profit. However, whenever it comes to starting a business, some challenges get in the way of fulfilling your interests. One of the best-known ways to protect your interests is by starting or joining a franchisee association. Continue reading to learn why you should start or join one and how one of the experienced franchisee associations attorneys at FortmanSpann, LLC, can help you in doing so.

What is a franchisee association?

Put simply, a franchisee association comprises a group of franchisees within a specific franchise system who come together independently of their franchisor. The abilities that come with starting or joining a franchisee association are as follows:

  • You and fellow franchisees can band together to get your voices heard by your franchisor.
  • You and fellow franchisees can band together to pool the resources that your franchisor does not offer.
  • You and fellow franchisees can learn from each other about best practices to increase profits.
  • You and fellow franchisees can learn from each other about how to obtain better pricing with vendors (i.e., telephone service, credit card processing, printing, website development, etc).

Under what circumstances should I join a franchisee association?

As insinuated above, you may want to join a franchisee association to either benefit from the resources of fellow franchisees or to fight against a particular issue you have with your franchisor. However, the specific circumstances of your situation will determine whether it is in your best interest to join one.

For example, if you share similar complaints with other franchisees, then banding together to take legal action against your franchisor may work. Notably, in certain jurisdictions, associations can take direct legal action against franchisors via association litigation, and this can be done anonymously and without retaliation.

On the other hand, if you have a unique issue with your franchisor that is not across the board with other franchisees, then it may work better to independently build a strategy to address the issue, whether it be informally or through legal action.

Under what circumstances should I hire a franchisee association attorney?

First of all, FortmanSpann, LLC, is proudly associated with the Association of Franchisees and Dealers’ (AAFD) Legal Line, along with proudly sponsoring the AAFD’s annual meeting.

Secondly, our skilled attorneys have a great deal of experience with franchisee associations, whether it be organizing franchisees into an association or approaching a franchisor regarding concerns addressed in an already existing franchisee association.

Overall, our nationwide franchise law attorneys can help you start, join, and use a franchise association to its fullest potential. If this piques your interest, then you should not hesitate in reaching out to us today.